Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The "nap"

This is a picture of me pretending to take a nap.  Because who has time to actually take a nap?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Former neighbors and buddies Josie and TyJere.  I love how kids can decide within minutes to be best friends again.

Monday, April 27, 2015

If the shoe fits

Let's file this one under "weird shit found while walking in the woods".  Was just sitting on top of a single post in the middle of nowhere.  On a technical note a bit annoyed with myself because I should have opened the aperture up enough so that both sides of the shoe were in focus but I was kind of in a hurry and just snap snapped and then was on my way without checking.  Oh well.  Makes me want to leave random things outside and see what happens to them.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Discovered tonight that my old remote shutter is not compatible with my new camera.  And was reminded of how odd it is to become intimately family with your own features again.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The wallflower

Like mother like daughter.  But it  took me thirty or so years to get over my wallflower tendencies, while Josie was up dancing and giggling by the second to last song.  Unfortunately I was also dancing and couldn't get a shot of that.  :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Bedside boring

Some days are wonderful and memorable and interesting, and some are days you just...get through.  Today was one of the latter and I when it came time to post today I turned to the flowers on my night stand...hating myself for doing it.  BOR...ING.  But hey, here's the thing: only like 2% of life is interesting.  If you only use the interesting stuff for inspiration you are missing out on 98% of the raw material out there.  So here's my post for today...try not to fall asleep looking at it.  Also I should have pulled out a tripod for this but since I am between tripods I had to make do with hand-shooting in the grey late afternoon cloudy day light, so please forgive the less than perfect focus.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Fox

The Fox went out on a chilly night
He prayed for the moon to give him light
For he had many a mile to go that night
Before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o
He had many a mile to go that night
Before he reached the town-o

He ran till he came to the farmers pen
The ducks and the geese were kept therein
He said a couple of you are gonna grease my chin
Before I leave this town-o, town-o, town-o
A couple of you are gonna grease my chin
Before I leave this town-o

He grabbed the great goose by the neck
He threw a duck across his back
And he didn't mind the quack, quack
And the legs all danglin' down-o, down-o, down-o
He didn't mind the quack, quack
And the legs all danglin' down-o

Well the old gray Woman jumped out of bed
Out of the window she popped her head
Cryin' John, John the great goose is gone
The Fox is on the town-o, town-o, town-o
John, John the great goose is gone
And the Fox is on the town-o

He ran till he came to his nice warm den
And there were the little ones 8, 9, 10
Sayin' Daddy, Daddy better go back again
It must be a mighty fine town-o, town-o, town-o
Daddy, Daddy go back again
For it must be a mighty fine town-o

The Fox and his Wife, without any strife
They cut up the goose with a fork and a knife
And they never had such a supper in their life
And the little ones chewed on the bones-o, bones-o, bones-o
They never had such a supper in their life
And the little ones chewed on the bones

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Out the window

It snowed today.  April 22nd.  EARTH DAY.  Couldn't help but feel this was mother nature's way of saying, "Thanks for the token holiday that will do nothing to actually help solve the problem you all created in the first place, jack asses."  Looks like Josie agrees.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Through the door

Four years ago I started a project to take one photo every day for a year.  I made it from January to September...and then my life went...kaboom.  I separated from my husband, my just 4 year old daughter and I moved into a tiny little house and I went from housewife/stay at home mother to working two jobs and trying not to freak out about what I had just decided to do.  It seemed crazy.  It was crazy.  And four years later I can't say that I've got it all figured out and everything is perfect now, life is still a lot of hard work and a mixed bag of mistakes and lessons learned and small steps towards "better".

In a strange way my old photo project (which you can find here if you're curious) felt like a catalyst to much of the change that happened that year.  I literally turned the lens towards my own life and that much introspection can be a bit dangerous to the status quo.  But that is such a GOOD thing.  I'll take chaos and hardship in the name of truth over complacency any day.

So hear it goes again.  Time to shake things up a bit.  Not that I'm looking to make my life implode again, just ready to be aware of everyday.  And of course ready to make more images that I love and can look back on and remember this year.  Because I think it may be a good one, just a hunch.

This of course is my lovely daughter, Josephine.  Seven now, and everyday feeling less like a child and more like my best friend that I just happen to pack lunch for everyday.  There were some much more silly, fun shots from today that would have been a better representation of her, but this one stood out to me.

Til tomorrow,
